*Breaking News: UChicago Athletics Honors Isis Smalls*

CHICAGO The University of Chicago Announces the 21st induction class of its Athletics Hall of Fame on ThursdaY, July 20th, 2023. Click to Read the official Press Release.

About Isis Smalls

From the NCAA Playoffs to the Miss Houston stage to singing for the Houston Rockets, Isis has experiences that are inspiring women to do and become more.

National Empowerment Speaker

Isis has reached tens of thousands of youth and adults around the country. Find out where she’s been, where she's headed, and how you can get on her calendar.

Amazon Bestselling Author

Since topping the charts in 2017, Beauty in the Making: Learning to Radiate from the Inside Out is empowering young women nationwide. Grab your copy today!


“The message Isis brought to the Women’s Empowerment Summit was profound. It was filled with resilience, perseverance and a humble spirit.”

- Dr. Vonda Washington, Katy ISD Superintendent