Hi, there! Welcome in! I'm Isis.

We just met, but I'm going to keep it 100% real with you:

I used to feel completely unqualified for literally everything.

All my dreams were overshadowed by overwhelming doubt, fears, and anxiety.

Isis Smalls dominates the volleyball court as a University of Chicago Record-Breaking Athlete.

I was a painfully shy, hardcore jock, who was used to dominating the college volleyball court, not performing onstage.

But I had a vision to enter my first pageant and to use that platform to empower young women. With that goal in mind, I stepped on stage.

“Get comfortable being uncomfortable.”

Deep in my heart I heard these words: “No more shrinking. No more hiding. Let’s go!” Knees knocking, palms sweating, I nervously transitioned through each phase of competition and built up enough nerve just in time to perform my first solo. 


That night I not only won the talent award, but I captured the coveted crown and the opportunity to impact over 3,000 young women that year as Miss Houston 2014.

Miss Houston Full Length Crown Shot.jpg

“You cannot afford to let fear paralyze you. There are experiences and opportunities of a lifetime on the other side!”

Isis at Houston Astros 2.jpeg

Since then . . .I’ve

performed for over 40,000 Astros fans, spoken to tens of thousands of youth and adults nationwide, and had the courage to resign from my job as a teacher in order to write and publish “Beauty in the Making,” which became an Amazon Bestselling book that continues to impact women around the country.

Since 2020, I’ve taken many risks in my career. I have said “Yes!” to what appeared “impossible” or looked like a “weird” move to others, but what felt like purpose-filled assignments to me. The latest venture has been into commercial real estate and the experience has not only been incredibly rewarding, but it has greatly changed and further expanded what I believe to be possible in life.


What’s my point?

You cannot afford to let fear paralyze you.

Not only will it keep you from experiences and opportunities of a lifetime, but it will keep you from impacting this world in ways that only you can.

 Sis, we need you. This world needs you.

This is why I am on a mission to help you activate your potential.

It’s time to unlock and unleash what’s inside: your amazing talents, invaluable perspective, incredible creativity, ingenious ideas, world-changing wisdom . . . all of it! 

I'm here to give you the inspiration and encouragement you need to live your life to the full and make a difference while doing it!

Now, let’s get to it!