Be inspired!

Isis delivers a quick 10-minute exhortation to the Lakewood Church Women's Ministry.

Listen in as Isis inspires us to trust in the faithfulness and steadfast love of God. Her message entitled:  "He Cares,” reminds us that God and his ability to take care of us, is the same yesterday, today, and forever!

Client Testimonials

Listen in as Cheryl Parker explains why she invited Isis to speak for her last two conferences!

Hear what Ms. McBride thought about her message!

“We became more inspired, encouraged, optimistic, and activated!”

Isis Smalls and the Sienna Women’s League Board

“Isis Smalls gave a tremendous presentation to our membership.  She redefined community service as a way to joyfully give, belong and feel invigorated.  I truly believe our membership changed for the good that night.  We became more inspired, encouraged, optimistic and activated!”

— Julie Platek, President, Sienna Women’s League


 “Her message made an indelible impact on thousands at our conference.”

Isis’s presentation and interaction with the students in schools as well as with the attendees at Dream Girls was directly aligned with our theme this year, "The Beauty Within."  She shared from her heart a message that was thought-provoking and relevant to girls. Also, she spent time with the girls affirming and encouraging them to bring out their inner beauty.  I know meeting her and hearing her message made an indelible impact on thousands at our conference as well as at the schools where she presented.

— Roslin Fields, Founder of the Dream Girls Conference, SC

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“One of the best decisions we ever made.”

Having Isis at our 2017 Teen Girls Holiday Brunch was one of the best decisions we ever made. The girls truly enjoyed her and what she spoke about. Many thought they were interacting with a real life-size princess. God has given Isis a gift and I am glad we had the opportunity to witness it. We look forward to having her back to speak to the Dream Girls again.

— Delorean Hogan, Fallbrook Church Dream Girls, TX

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“I was impressed not only with her poise and message, but her ability to bring out each girl’s confidence and allowing them to shine.

“Middle School is a difficult time for young adolescent females. Girls often have struggles with self-esteem and self-worth. Ms. Smalls came and spoke to a select group of our students and I was impressed not only with her poise and message, but her ability to bring out each girl’s confidence and allowing them to shine. I witnessed shy girls go up and stand next to Ms. Smalls while she had their arm around them and they expressed their dreams, while their peers clapped and cheered for them. She helped show our girls that it only matters what you think of yourself and to never allow anyone else to make you believe you cannot become or achieve anything you set your mind to. She took the time to meet each girl and take photos with them. We are so grateful for the time she spent with us at Alston Middle School and message of self-empowerment that she delivered. Alston Middle School cannot thank her enough!”

- Dr. Michelle Leviner, Principal of Alston Middle School, SC


“As the social worker for our district, I have used her presentation to do small groups with some of our students after school”

The students, staff, and administrators of Dorchester School District 4 thank Isis for speaking to our middle school students. Her presentation inspired our students. As the social worker for our district, I have used her presentation to do small groups with some of our students after school. Students were able to express: “I need to get out of my comfort zone,” “stop being so shy,” “If I put my mind to it, I can do anything” and the fight is within me.

Ms. Smalls, thank you for engaging the students in your presentation. It encouraged other students to put an effort in participating and exhibiting their talents. You did an excellent job and it was a pleasure to have you visit our school and community. We look forward to having you visit again.

— Brenda Chestnut, MSW, Dorchester District 4 (SC)

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“Most viewed Facebook live feeds.”

She delivered! Isis shared an impactful message that had everyone engaged and taking notes. During our breakout groups, they discussed her biblically sound “7 Keys to Thriving (Not Surviving) as a Single” and it quickly became a standard that they could relate to and use effectively in their own lives. Many stayed after and mentioned that it was a blessing to meet her and to purchase her book. I want to also mention with the popularity of today's social media, Isis Smalls was one of the most viewed Facebook live feeds we’ve ever had. She is welcomed to come back anytime. We don't doubt God has great plans for her and how she will be used for others through her life, her book, and future books!” 

— Patricia Medina, Lakewood Church Singles Ministry Leader

“I highly recommend her because of her professionalism.”

Isis Smalls served as the emcee for our annual gala and did an amazing job! She carries a warm, delightful, beautiful presence which captivates the audience. And her timing to keep the event moving was incredible. I highly recommend her because of her professionalism and look forward to having her speak at some of our future events. Thanks again, Isis to a job well done!

- Veril Hughes, Board Member Wellsprings Village, Inc

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