This isn’t the time to fear! It’s time to CONQUER with PRAYER!

This collection of passionate and purposeful prayers is designed to give hope, bring healing, and share inspiration with the globe.

This book will get you started praying for yourself, your community, and for the world-at-large! #ConqueringCOVID19Book

Giving Initiative

25% of all proceeds support Houston’s homeless and at-risk youth during COVID-19.

We want this book in as many hands as possible! So here are two options:

Option #2: Donate the amount of your choice to purchase the book. For those able to do more, chip in a few more bucks for readers who are unable to give.

Option #1: If finances are a barrier, download it now, free of charge. Click the “download” button below to get started.

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**Note to Donors: Upon completion of your donation, a link to your download will be immediately sent to your inbox.**

“It’s the book that keeps on giving.” - Joel Malm, Founder of Summit Leaders