What Black Friday Just Taught Me

by Isis Smalls
(1-minute Read)

If you know me well then you know that I am not a huge fan of shopping. But, this Thanksgiving weekend, I did something brave. I shopped on Black Friday. (GASP!)

Everywhere I went in the mall, I couldn’t help but to notice this trend that says: “one size fits all.” Let’s be real though: one size does not fit all. The tight leggings I'd tried to stuff my legs into would not fit the girl half my size, neither twice my size. So let's be clear here:

One size doesn’t fit all when it comes to clothes and one size certainly does not fit all when it comes to pretty much everything in life.

You are unique. So is your shape, your style, your needs, and your perspectives. And guess what? The way you approach life will be unique, too.

With the world constantly bombarding us with messages of “How to Do” this and “7 Ways to to Do” that, it’s more important than ever for us to keep this in mind:

“What worked for them, may not work for me.
What’s right for their life, may not be right for mine.”

It’s good to be open to new strategies and to seek the wisdom of others. However, let’s remember to go to God in prayer so that He can filter that advice.

He can tailor it and give you an approach that is truly one of a kind. There is no such thing "as one size fits all." The sooner you grasp this, the quicker you'll have the peace and courage necessary to bravely chart your unique path.

Proverbs 14:15 (ESV) “ The simple believes everything, but the prudent gives thought to his steps.”