The Closest Thing to God's Heart

(Reading Time: 1 minute)

Today I want to remind us of this simple truth: 

People are special to God.

In the midst of the hectic holiday season, we can run so fast and furiously that we forget all about them. But, when we slow down to acknowledge and love on people, it’s the closest thing to God’s heart.

Love sticks. People may struggle to remember what you’ve accomplished, but they’ll never forget those moments you stopped to genuinely care for them. When you think about creating a real legacy, loving people is where it starts.

Love boosts. What you say or do can bring a smile to their face and put a pep in their step decades later. With so many people in desperate need for encouragement and hope, your love could bring strength and joy to their heart.

Love lifts. The Bible refers to God as “the Lifter of our heads” (Psalm 3:3) When we stop to acknowledge and speak to people, we are following God's lead. It’s as if we’re taking our hand, lifting their chin up, and saying: “I see you. You are precious. You are worth this moment. Please know you are loved and cared for and you are not worth being ignored.”

So, how can you show love today? Here's the challenge! Over the course of the next three days, intentionally slow down and take a moment to love on the people you encounter. Feel free to reply to this email and share stories. I'd love to hear about your experience.

Let’s show God that we care about what He cares about. We care for His children. We care about people. 

With love,

Isis Smalls