One Less Thing to Worry About

By Isis Smalls
(Reading Time: 1 minute)

One thing I’ve learned to not worry about is God opening doors.

He has connected me to decision-makers who never knew my name. 
He has prepared seats at tables where I never dreamed of sitting.
He has set me on stages I didn’t ask to be on.

God opening doors is not the problem; having ourselves prepared for them is. The time we have between now and the breakthrough shouldn’t be wasted on trying to schmooze our way into the “inner circle,” network our way to the top, or work to be seen by the “gatekeepers.”

Reality Check: Everyone with breath in their lungs is already in His Network. He is not stressing over how He’ll open the door. He’s just wondering if you’ll be ready to walk through it when He finally does.

Here lies what should be our greatest concern:
preparing ourselves to steward the blessings God has coming. 

My life group leader, Ileen Bocanegra, said this recently: “With God, it’s suddenly. Suddenly it will fall in your lap. Don’t let it fall in your lap and you not even be able to handle it.”

My friend, I believe with all my heart that God has great things in store for you. He wants every dream He has planted in your heart to come to pass. Don’t let the craving for man’s approval or the stress of opening “closed doors” distract you from the One who makes it all possible. Don't let it distract you from getting prepared.

Proverbs 21:1 says “The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, Like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes.”

God knows how to get you where you need to be when you need to be there. Trust Him!