Don't Devalue Your Start

Reading Time: 1-minute

Hello, my friend!

Last week I encouraged you with a Prayer for Maximum Focus & Productivity. As you take advantage of this downtime to birth the dreams God's given you, let me remind you of this:


In March 2017, I published my book “Beauty in the Making, but what most people don’t know is that many of these chapters came from a blog I started in 2015.

Often I hear people discredit bloggers by saying they aren’t “real writers.” This is not only snooty, but ri-dic-u-lous. There are former “bloggers” KILLING it as we speak with New York Times Bestselling Author now following them name. It turned out these “poor bloggers” had a world of readers waiting on them!

My point: Don't allow other people’s insecurities to cause you to devalue your start. Refuse to allow it to keep you from living out what’s on your heart. It might be on a small scale now and you may be grinding it out for a while. But, just because you don’t have all the clout in the beginning, doesn’t mean what you have in your hands is not great.

If you shrink back, you might just miss your moment to be a blessing. So start already! Let the product of your life speak to their useless opinions!

~Isis Smalls

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