Are you dressed?

(Reading Time: 1.5 minutes)

This summer I’ve enjoyed taking my nephew and niece to swim lessons. One day starting around 11am my four-year old niece, Jasielle, began asking what I soon realized would be the question of the day: “Is it time to go now?”

I responded, “No, Jasi, it’s only eleven o’clock. Your lessons aren’t until three.” Disappointed, she walked away only to come back an hour later and ask: “Is it time to go now?”

I replied, “No, we have hoouurrss before we leave. I’ll let you know when it’s time to get ready.”

At one o’clock she returned fully dressed: 
swimming cap, flip flops, and all!

Jasi in Her Swimsuit.JPG

I was cracking up so hard I could barely address the issue. Tempted to tell her to go change, I just let it be. I let her roam around the house in her bathing suit for the next two hours! I don’t know if my response would have been approved by the “babysitter caucus,” but I figured she wasn’t harming anybody and at least she was ready to go.

The more I think about this moment, the more I see the importance of getting dressed for the occasion . . . the occasion of the future that is. If God has placed dreams in our hearts, we must prepare ourselves and our lives before it’s time to step into them.

We can’t wait until departure time to get dressed. We have to suit up now!

We should be dressed in the natural: if you see yourself as the next New York Times Bestseller, is your book proposal and manuscript ready to go? 

If you’re seeking a business investment, do you have a sharp outfit and a solid business plan prepared for that important boardroom meeting?

Are you ready for when God says: “Time to go!”?

Getting dressed in the spirit is crucial, too. We must lean on God to coach us in how to handle people, situations, and trials that will only intensify at the next level.

The appointment may not be on the books yet. All doors may still be shut. However, when they call . . . when God does knock, will you be ready to answer?

In light of the vision God has given you for your future, reflect on who He is calling you to become now. Be determined to walk into that next level prepared, equipped, and positioned for all He has coming!

Proverbs 20:4 NLT “Those too lazy to plow in the right season will have no food at the harvest.”

That's all for now. Start getting dressed today, so you’ll be in position for tomorrow.


Isis Smalls