FYI: You've Been Set Up

(Reading Time: 1 minute)

In case no one told you yet . . .
You area so God’s idea . . . and a brilliant one at that! 

Since the day He began knitting you together in your mother’s womb, He has been setting you up for greatness. Everything about you comes together to give Him glory. All of who you are and every one of your life experiences are creating a unique masterpiece that will never . . . ever be duplicated.

When we breathe in the reality of these statements two beautiful things can happen:

  1. We find peace.

  2. We walk in confidence.

Peace is yours when you trust that even in the midst of life’s most puzzling circumstances, Your God has a plan and an answer.

Confidence is yours when you grasp that even when you’re up against this season’s most daunting demands, you have been equipped for the challenge.

This week, ask God to show you your unique setup. Ask Him to shine light on the experiences that you don’t understand. Don’t be afraid to recognize your strengths and to invite Him into your weaknesses. Even for those, he has a plan!

God has been setting you up, my friend. You are so His idea….and a mighty brilliant one at that!