State of Your Union

(Reading Time: 1-minute)

Tonight is the annual State of the Union Address in which the residing President of the United States lays out what is described as the “legislative agenda” and “national priorities.” 

As I pondered this, I couldn’t help but to think: “Hmmm . . . what’s the state of my union? Am I on track with my yearly agenda? Are my daily life activities aligning to my priorities?”

We are a month into 2018, an opportune time to address where we are headed this year. It’s the perfect time to simply ask ourselves: “How am I doing? How are things going so far?”

We may be on track to reach some goals, but in other places it may be time to reassess and realign. This week I challenge you to reflect on the progress of your personal agenda and its alignment with your personal priorities. Taking time to assess these key areas will help you regain focus and place you in position to look back in December and say: It's been a good 2018! All is well with me and my union!"