Miracles Happen. . . Still!

(Reading Time: 1.5 minutes)

God is a miracle working God. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. If you need a miracle in your life, don’t hesitate to ask Your Heavenly Father. He delights in blessing you and He loves loving you.

I have seen God heal me of an autoimmune disease. While my lungs were inflamed and ulcers were breaking out on my body, the doctors were confounded for six months struggling to identify the disease. I finally got fed up and asked God for healing, to please take the pain away. That Sunday 3 powerful women of God committed to praying with me every day for a week. I returned to the hospital only to leave with a completely clean bill of health: blood levels normalized, shortness of breath gone, and every last ulcer shriveled up and healed. To this day, I have not one symptom.

When I slid on a slide going 60mph and smashed my face into a concrete surface, I walked away ALIVE with only 2 front teeth knocked out. I shouldn’t be here to write this email today. 

When I needed new tires for my car and was planning to budget the expense into my savings, I get a call a week later from my brother-in-law saying He would take care of all four tires as a birthday gift. 

Whatever the need, big or small, trivial or life-changing,
God desires to meet it.

God knows how to heal.

God knows how to rescue

God knows how to provide.

Sometimes we can feel so distant from God that we doubt that He wants to be kind to us. However, the Word teaches us that we are graced with new mercy and more of His lovingkindness every single day.

He wants us to reach out to Him in prayer. When we invite Him to partake in our life, we can see some incredible miracles take place.

Miracles happen . . . still. What miracle do you need today?