Is It Worth It?

(Reading Time: 1.5 minutes)

Right now I am fighting for something I don’t know will work out. When I wake up in the morning, I question whether or not I am making the right moves. I doubt if I have enough knowledge. I wonder if I have what it takes.

If hindsight is 20-20, what in the world do you call it when you’re walking through life? What kind of vision do you have when you’re grasping for clarity or when you’re feeling completely blind? 

Some days I can’t tell if I am acting out of faith or just pure stupidity. But it’s true that only time will tell. 

Wes Moore put it beautifully:  

“Are you willing to risk being wrong to find out if you’re right?’

That’s where I am today. The dreams I desire and the goals I am chasing don’t make sense in the natural. They aren’t safe. In fact, they are extremely, sometimes painfully uncomfortable, but I am willing to find out if one day it will all be worth it….if possibly, just possibly…I am right.

As I reflect on Valentine’s Day, I also believe this is relevant when it comes to love. The guy nervously approaches a girl and hopes she gives him the time of day. A woman cautiously opens up her heart, little by little, wondering if the man will handle it with care. 

In life and in love, I believe taking risks are worth it. We don’t have to throw common sense and caution to the wind, but if we, pray, seek wise counsel, and have peace in our spirit, we can make mighty moves with steps of audacious faith.

Anything that is worth living for will require risk and cause you to experience uncertainty. What are you willing to risk today to see if you just may be right tomorrow?

II Corinthians 5:7 (NKJV) "For we walk by faith, not by sight."