"When God Calls You Out"

Reading Time: 1.5-minutes

By Isis Smalls

I would be lying if I said the last few months have been easy. Nothing tragic has happened. No major life shifts, twists, or turns. Nope, none of that!

“Well, what happened?” you ask. 

Simply put: God has help me to really SEE me. 

He’s been taking “the scales” off of my eyes and clearing up the fog on my spiritual glasses. He’s been showing me what I look like without Him, His grace, and His covering. 

It’s been an especially humbling six months, but can I also share this with you? 

It’s been FREEING! 

When God called out jealousy, insecurity, and fear in my heart, He didn’t leave me hanging. He gave me wisdom and insight to see the root.

When He put His finger on dishonor, pride, and a critical spirit, He never left me to my own devices. He revealed the cause and gave me solutions to rise higher in humility.

My friend, what I’ve learned is that: God calling us out, His critique, and His correction, doesn’t lead to a dead end. It leads to LIFE!

It’s always easier to stay the same and to avoid change, but

I would not trade the confidence, the peace, the joy, or the passion I have now, for the comfort I could have had, if I chose to ignore God’s voice.

What is God “putting His finger on” in your life today? Are you partnering with Him or resisting His guidance?

As uncomfortable as it may be, I encourage you to give in. He will use the process of growth and maturity to bring you to new levels of freedom and victory!

Hebrews 12:6 (Message Version) reads, “It's the child he loves that he disciplines; the child he embraces, he also corrects.”