Who Are You Bringing to the Party?

By Isis Smalls
(Reading Time: 1 minute)

People are often shocked when I share that the #1 thing I’ve had to fight for is: confidence. If you know my story, you know that this former Miss Houston was even more formerly a painfully shy wallflower with no desire to stand, let alone speak or sing, on a stage like I do now.

For years, I wrestled with releasing my full self. I would constantly edit who I was to fit into different settings. I would decide “which Isis” would best appease the people in the room. I would even dress down to avoid any scrutiny, comparison, or competition. I was fearful of coming off as “too much of this” or “too little of that” and above all else, I wanted no attention.

But you and me both know: 

No matter what you do, you will never be everybody’s cup of tea, so you might as well bring your full self to the party. 

Working for everyone’s stamp of approval will have us conforming to the ever-changing preferences of this world and evolving away from who God designed us to be. It’s not only a hindrance to us, but an insult to Him. Moreover, the people we are called to reach cannot be impacted when we choose to function as something other than His uniquely designed masterpieces.

When I say “impact,” I am not just talking about the big dreams, visions, and missions God has laid on your heart. I am talking about the impact you have on your friend over coffee or a co-worker at lunch. I’m talking about how you show up at the dinner table tonight and the Christmas party next month.

Here’s my point:When you are not yourself, something on this earth is missing. I encourage you to own ALL of who God made you to be and let her or him shine without revisions!

So, who are you bringing to the party: your full self or an edited one?

Matthew 5:16 (King James Version) "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.