Did You Just See That?

(Reading Time: 2 minutes)

On Saturday I had the honor of speaking on Body Image and Self-Esteem to 100 middle and high schools students. While I was off to the side gearing up to speak, Breianna came over to ask if I would sign both my book and a picture that she grabbed off the book table. 

It didn’t occur to her that the book might be for sale or that there was a specific time they had set aside for autographs later. Nope! She came over without the least bit of hesitation and bravely asked for what she wanted.

To be honest, I was almost so caught up with preparing for the speech and sticking to the conference timeline that I nearly missed the power of this moment. But praise God, He caught me. 

I proceeded to encourage her saying, “That kind of boldness and confidence will take you places. Keep it up!” She expected to be treated well. She expected to get what she was searching for and she expected only the best outcome. And, guess what? She got everything she came for!

When she returned to her seat, my mother leaned over to me and said:

“That wasn’t just her boldness; that was God moving. You need to recognize when God is doing something.”

You see my mother realized that out of 100 girls, this precious young lady was the only one drawn to the table before I even spoke. They all saw the table. They all saw the books. They all had the same opportunity to be bold like she was. But, for some reason she felt compelled to act. That wasn’t just confidence, that was a divinely orchestrated moment.

I believe that book was meant for Breianna. I believe the messages inside will bless her, inspire her, and uniquely speak to her life because I didn’t give her that book on Saturday. . . God did. God set the whole thing up.

This week, I encourage you to be present. Let’s not be so caught up on protocol, in our agendas, or with our scheduling that we miss what God is doing in this very moment.

God is on the move. Let’s slow down enough to see Him.