I Jumped . . . Now What?!

(Reading Time: 2 minutes)

Recently God gave me a vision in which I confidently leaped off a mountain, falling hundreds of feet below to the bottom. I managed to land safely, but my knees were trembling uncontrollably and my heart was pounding out of my chest. Everything in me was in awe of the fact that I had actually lived to see the light of day.

In this vision, I felt God looking at me as if He was expecting me to run. He was rooting for me and cheering me on. It was as if I had some mission to now take on once I landed, something He wanted me to find and conquer.

But, I was still in shock. Rather than being emboldened by this major victory, I was paralyzed with fear at the thought of what was next. I was too busy trying to get over the first feat, I couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that God wanted me to do more.

As I reflect on the meaning of this vision, I am beginning to understand that simply “taking the leap of faith” and “making the jump” is only the start of what God has for us. The world praises these initial steps of boldness and it should because they require a lot of courage and a ton of audacity. It takes a lot to put yourself out there and to chase dreams that make you afraid. 

However, it’s not enough to just jump. We have to jump, run, sprint, leap, hike, and repeat. We have to keep making moves of courage until we conquer all that God has for us. 

This week, it’s my prayer that God strengthens us for our unique missions and journeys. May He make us mighty men and women of valor who confidently trek and patiently endure the road and all of its obstacles. Be strengthened in God’s grace knowing that you are equipped and prepared for the leap and all that’s beyond it.