You're Late, But So On Time!

(Reading Time: 2 minutes)

I have performed the National Anthem for the U.S. Men’s Clay Court Championships four consecutive years. We have never started late, but this year the match before us was so competitive it pushed back the tournament schedule a whole hour.

By the time I sang it was so late into the evening that I decided to scrap my previous plans, go with the flow, and enjoy the moment with my friend, Neema.

While we were walking two freshman high school students came up and asked if I would take their picture. As folks passed by congratulating me on the performance, they soon realized that I was the singer they just heard from outside the stadium. The curious high schoolers started asking me questions about my time as Miss Houston and about what I do with young women. Soon their innocent interrogation, evolved into a more serious discussion about some of the challenges they were facing as teens.

As they shared their heart, I was honestly amazed at how open and transparent they were. My heart was so heavy that I asked if they would allow Neema and me to pray for them. We joined hands as tears started streaming down their face. We could see the hope, comfort, and joy of the Lord refreshing them. Afterwards we exchanged phone numbers and they came with us to church the next evening.

When I think about the timing of that moment, I am still in awe. I realized that God loved these two girls so much that He pushed back an entire professional tennis tournament to ensure we all would be in the right place at the right time. Out of hundreds of people they could ask to take a picture, He would have them ask me, the one who works with young women. God loved them so much that out of all my friends, He made sure I invited a fierce prayer warrior and one involved in youth ministry.

God is a good God and His timing is so perfect. Even if you’re feeling delayed, trust that He is ordering your steps. He will make sure you get where you need to be right on time.