But I Don't Wanna Go to Timeout!

(Reading Time: 2.5 minutes)

In March I found myself in what felt like I was being put in “timeout” by God. As an entrepreneur, one of my hardest struggles has been finding a balance between work and rest. Is there really such thing as “vacation” or “holidays” when you work for yourself? I know what’s not a thing: “paid leave!” Ha! At least these luxuries of the nine-to-five life are not happening in the beginning stages.

As I struggle with striking a balance, I have often felt guilty for relaxing or condemned for taking a day, sometimes even an hour for myself. While others geared up for “spring break,” my mouth watered at the idea of one week off doing nothing. That kind of notion is foreign to me. Even my StrengthsFinderstest says . . . and I quote:

No matter how much you may feel you deserve a day of rest, if the day passes without some form of achievement, no matter how small, you will feel dissatisfied. You have an internal fire burning inside you. It pushes you to do more, to achieve more.

The thought of taking a break was and has always been blasphemy! There just so much to be done, right?

But God said: “Timeout!”
I said, “Excuse me?!”
But He replied: “Timeout!” 

As clear as day I felt in my spirit that I, too, was supposed to take spring break. My mounting levels of anxiety, increasing moodiness, and lack of faith were all clear signs that timeout was actually well overdue.

In the natural, with engagements on the calendar and to-do lists waiting to be checked off, this was the worst possible time for me to sit in the corner, but I listened.

I spent the week reading, taking naps, working out, pigging out, driving around, and watching movies. Side note: next to chick flicks, Disney Movies are my fav! I spent the week just being me, doing what I wanted for however long I wanted and I promise you I enjoyed every single minute of it.

Timeout was a game-changer!

When I returned, I had confidence to pursue the things God wanted me to conquer next. I had answers to situations that confounded me for months. Opportunities I had been praying for came knocking on my door. Best of all: I came back happy and lighter, full of joy, faith, and expectancy.

Even though I did not want to go to timeout, it was the best thing that could have happened to me! This week, if you’re feeling rundown, overwhelmed, or dismayed, I encourage you to consider scheduling a timeout according to God’s leading and timing for your life. You’ll return with a renewed strength that will propel you forward.