Hope On!

(Reading Time: 1.5 minutes)

As we journey through life, there may be times when we will feel like God has forgotten about us. There may be seasons when it seems as though He is taking care of all His children except us. We may not understand a trial we are experiencing or why He allows certain hardships to come our way, but at no point does God ever forsake His children. There is nothing we are facing that is too hard for Him, but it’s our task to stay in faith and have hope as we watch Him do the impossible and lead us to victory.

God is still entirely in control. In the midst of our heartache and overwhelm, when we still dare to acknowledge the love and power of God, things begin to shift. We can take our cue from the great heroes of faith.

Sarah & Abraham hoped for that child.
David believed he could beat Goliath.
Daniel trusted God in the fiery furnace.
Jesus knew the heart of His Father. . . even on the cross.

They stayed in faith and so should we. They had hope and so should we! 

In the midst of our greatest temptations to quit, to doubt, and to question, let’s dare to trust God anyway. Let’s fight the good fight of faith and remember that God is for us. Hope on, my friends! Let’s hope on!

Romans 12:12 “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.”