#KingdomLIFE was a success!

#KingdomLIFE was a blessing from start to finish. We had a packed house full of hundreds of people hungry to grow and learn around the topic honoring God and reflecting His image in every area or life. I honestly believe everyone who attended will never be the same for the better, including myself! It was an incredible privilege to speak alongside and to learn from people who I deeply admire and respect. Catch the playback of every message at Facebook.com/lakewoodbusiness 👈

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WOW!! The Collective Conference 2019 was amazing!

WOW!🔥👏🙌🏾What a day! It has not only been a blessing to speak at The Collective Conference, but to learn and receive from such incredible, POWERFUL women of God from all over the country this weekend. 👉Thank you, Pastor Christi Miranda, Michele, Kayla, & Meg for your audacious faith and diligent obedience to the vision and mission God placed in your hearts. There is no doubt that healing, faith, breakthrough, and fresh vision has been deposited in the lives of every women that attended including myself and it WILL have a ripple effect greater than we can imagine. Only eternity will be able to tell of the impact! Wow, GOD DIDDDD THAT! 💝🙌🏾❤️ #MyCollectiveConference #BeautyintheMaking#WomeninMinistry #SistersinChrist

Check out The Collective Conference Photo Album here!

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Upcoming Event: Kingdom Life hosted by Lakewood Church Financial & Business Ministries

I am beyond pumped for Kingdom Life! We’re talking money, personal development, career, relationships, leadership, and business 9am-1pm this Saturday at Lakewood Church. Bonus: No fee + No registration + Free Breakfast👀😱👀 Join me and over hundreds of Houstonians as we invest this time in growing together! #KingdomLIFE #LevelUp #LakewoodChurch#HoustonBusiness

Kingdom Life Speaker Line-up:

Money & Finances: Pastor Brandon Funk

Career: Nana Funk

Personal Development: Isis Smalls

Relationships: Ashley & Terry Williams

Business: Joël Malm

Leadership: Pastor Craig Johnson

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**Enjoy this Featured Chapter from Beauty in the Making!**

Reading Time: 2.5 Minutes

Input Output: What Goes in Must Come out 

2 Timothy 2:21 (ESV) says: “Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work.”

Have you ever noticed if you hang around your best friend for too long you begin to start acting like them? You start using the same phrases and can even tell what each other is thinking. Whether it’s television shows, magazines, video games, social media, or music, a lot of times what you watch, read, and listen to influences what you think, feel, and say as well. Your thoughts not only influence your success in life, but they also greatly affect your walk with God. 

The summer before I began playing college volleyball, I was up early running or lifting weights every morning. For me, nothing was better than working out and listening to music. I turned it all the way up!! As the music pumped into my ears, I was motivated to keep going. I started out listening to Christian music, but eventually I got bored. It did not have the bass and the excitement I enjoyed in secular music. I missed that cool feeling, so I began searching online for some of the top hits. This music had amazing bass and provocative beats, but along with that came one curse word after another. I convinced myself that I could listen to this music without it impacting me, but boy I was wrong! As I pictured the lyrics, seductive images bombarded my mind. The music felt good to listen to, but it was as if the lyrics were cutting my soul. 

By the time I got to campus, I noticed my thoughts were changing. I began to look at the guys differently. I wanted them to think about me like the music artists described the girls in the songs. I craved the attention they got in the music videos and wanted someone to desire me in that way . . . even if it was only for my looks or my body. I knew deep in my spirit that it was wrong, but the lyrics made it seem so glorious to have all the guys’ attention. The music videos painted the picture that it was something every woman should want and desire. 

Eventually, what I was thinking began affecting how I acted. I started carrying myself differently. I flirted with guys in the gym and dressed less modestly when I went out with my friends. Sometimes I even let a curse word slip. My teammates would look at me in shock. They cursed, but they were not used to me doing it because I was the “Christian girl”...the “goody two shoes.” I knew these moments damaged my reputation, and I now realize how it hurt my witness. 

How could I be “the light” on campus if I was walking in such darkness? How could I say I represented Jesus when my actions were declaring something else?

I continued to explore the party life for a while; but, when I hung out with my Christian friends, I felt how empty I was on the inside. I knew that if I did not change what I was listening to, who I was hanging out with, and what I was watching, things were only going to go downhill. 

My mother once told me that even if I could not talk to her about something, I could always talk to God. In college I used that advice more than ever. I was too embarrassed and ashamed to tell others, but I knew I could turn to Jesus. I was painfully honest with Him. I asked if He would purify my mind, change the desires of my heart, and help me want the things that pleased Him. 

It was not overnight, but as the days went by, I began to blossom in my relationship with God. He helped me build godly friendships and I started losing my craving for the kind of music and behaviors that were only holding me back. During this time, I realized God wanted to help me, but I had a role to play in my transformation. I had to start being disciplined with my input so I could have holy output. 

Take some time to honestly reflect on your entertainment and friends today. Sometimes living for God is unpopular, uncomfortable, and it usually goes against the grain of culture, but it is well worth it! Now that I am a young adult, I am grateful that I turned back to Jesus because it allowed God to protect me tremendously. God kept me from making life-changing decisions that would have dishonored Him and my body—choices that could have negatively affected the wonderful plans He had for my life. He gave me opportunities I did not feel worthy of and even lifted me up onto a platform where I can now minister to others.

My challenge to you is to learn this while you are young: what we take in will surely come out. If you are struggling with being around the wrong people or taking in negative influences, God is always reaching out and giving you an opportunity to change. Will you reach up and grab His hand? 

Prayer Starter: Dear Heavenly Father, I want to honor You with the influences I allow into my life. Forgive me for what I have done wrong and give me the strength to do it right. Please help me to desire the things that glorify You and make me a better person. Please send the right friends my way and lead me to the best kind of entertainment. I want to walk in power and I know this starts with guarding what comes into my mind. Give me the grace I need! I know that with You by my side I can do this! 

Like what you read? Grab a full copy of Beauty in the Making here!

One Less Thing to Worry About

By Isis Smalls
(Reading Time: 1 minute)

One thing I’ve learned to not worry about is God opening doors.

He has connected me to decision-makers who never knew my name. 
He has prepared seats at tables where I never dreamed of sitting.
He has set me on stages I didn’t ask to be on.

God opening doors is not the problem; having ourselves prepared for them is. The time we have between now and the breakthrough shouldn’t be wasted on trying to schmooze our way into the “inner circle,” network our way to the top, or work to be seen by the “gatekeepers.”

Reality Check: Everyone with breath in their lungs is already in His Network. He is not stressing over how He’ll open the door. He’s just wondering if you’ll be ready to walk through it when He finally does.

Here lies what should be our greatest concern:
preparing ourselves to steward the blessings God has coming. 

My life group leader, Ileen Bocanegra, said this recently: “With God, it’s suddenly. Suddenly it will fall in your lap. Don’t let it fall in your lap and you not even be able to handle it.”

My friend, I believe with all my heart that God has great things in store for you. He wants every dream He has planted in your heart to come to pass. Don’t let the craving for man’s approval or the stress of opening “closed doors” distract you from the One who makes it all possible. Don't let it distract you from getting prepared.

Proverbs 21:1 says “The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, Like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes.”

God knows how to get you where you need to be when you need to be there. Trust Him!

*Upcoming Interview with Toi Sweeney of Well Dressed Brand TV*

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I can’t wait to chat all things inspiration, business, faith, and women empowerment with this glamazon, Toi Sweeney!

Join us 12noon via Facebook LIVE on 
Well Dressed Brand TV.

Toi Sweeney is an award-winning stylist, brand image strategist, and successful entrepreneur. She founded her own design firm and managed 30 TV personalities at the leading home shopping network (QVC). With over 20 years in the fashion industry, she is best known for giving professionals a more confident, coordinated appearance and using her background to tell original stories through fashion.

Best of all, Toi is unashamed of the gospel! She is a powerful woman of faith and inspiration to me. I am looking forward to being interviewed by her and hope you'll join us!

Tune in this Friday 12pm CST on Well Dressed Brand TV.

Are You in Over Your Head?

by Isis Smalls

(Reading Time: 1.5 minutes)

Have you been feeling “in over your head” lately? Do you ever question if you’re making the right moves? Sometimes I don’t know whether I am half way out of my mind or just full of audacious faith. But, if you ask me, the two may actually be one in the same.


I was thinking about the phrase: “in over your head” the other day when it hit me. When it comes to living a life of courage and daring to get out of your comfort zone, if you don’t feel in over your head, you’re not dreaming big enough.

The Word says in Isaiah 55:8-9 (NIV): "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Aha! There is! God’s ways are higher! They are incomprehensible to you and me as we’re walking through, but ohhhhh the joy waiting at the finish line.

If you’re feeling in over your head today, I encourage you to keep going. The greatness, the destiny, the breakthroughs that are coming when you dig deep and endure will make every stressful season and intimidating obstacle worthwhile. You’ll be thanking God for the struggles and the setbacks that were only setups in the end.

If you’re not feeling in over your head, maybe it’s time to get a little uncomfortable. What dreams have you been putting on hold that you need to activate today? What gifts and talents have you been hiding that God wants to shine light on for His glory?

My friend, we live one life. Why not live one that makes it worthwhile? It's time to dive in and “get in over your head.”

Sharing a Cool Moment with Pastor Victoria Osteen!

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It was a total honor and so much fun to get some “girl time” with Pastor Victoria Osteen as we chatted about her New Book “Exceptional You! 7 Keys to Living Empowered, Encouraged, & Intentional!”  We could have talked all day because this book is just that good and so life-giving! I recommend that you pre-order a copy today and scoot it to the top of your 2019 Reading List. Official Release Date: April 2nd.

The Beauty in the Making Mentorship Community!

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You asked! We are delivering! I am excited to announce that the doors to the Beauty in the Making Mentorship Community are opening this Sunday, February 24th at 12:00am! Open to Middle School and High School girls, this will be a community where girls are receiving ongoing faith-based inspiration purposefully designed to inspire growth in their faith, character, and confidence! Learn more here!

**Keynote Speaker for Dream Girls Conference**

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In March I'll be headed to my hometown of Charleston, SC and I'd love for you and your girls to join me. 500+ girls will pack out the coliseum as entertainers and speakers from all over the country empower and inspire them to become women of faith, confidence, and purpose.

Watch this video and be sure to visit www.dreamgirlsconference.org to learn more.

Challenge Accepted!

Reading Time: 1.5 minutes

I'm not even going to lie. . . over the holidays when coffee was spilled on my laptop computer and I was later delivered the news that it could not be repaired. . . I lost it.

Being the godly woman I am (smile), I’d love to report that I handled it with such grace, patience, and composure, but let me be real with you: my response was not cute. I was days away from finishing a project I had hoped to publish and now every last one of my files were gone. I was inching closer to my “financial savings” goal and here comes this new major expense. #PerfectTiming #MerryChristmas

For two days I sulked around the house, retold my story to friends, and revelled in self-pity. The more I thought about what I was losing, the more sad and frustrated I became. On the third day, I woke up puffy-eyed and exhausted.
As I knelt down for my morning prayers, waiting for the Lord to comfort me, all I heard from Him was:

"Girl, wipe those tears and get up!"

Wait, excuse me, what? Didn’t God see my troubles? Didn’t God recognize how hard I had worked and how much this would cost? Did He not care about my feelings?!

After I picked my mouth up off the floor in shock by what felt like God’s insensitivity, I recognized His correction as tough love. More than my feelings, He cared about my growth.

A major goal and prayer of mine has been for emotional and spiritual stability: not allowing the circumstances of life to sour my attitude, thwart my faith, or shake my identity. And there I was. . .

praying for this strength but rejecting the opportunity to develop it . . .
asking for progress, but unwilling to endure a challenging trial.

So what about you? Have you been praying for progress, growth, or development, but not recognizing that the training has begun?

Sometimes God’s answered prayers come in disguise. They come as difficulties strategically crafted to birth something inside of you. They come as problems divinely ordained to push you to the next level. Are you accepting the challenge or are you blind to this opportunity for breakthrough?

The challenge is in motion, my friend. Take courage, ask for strength, and accept it. There is progress, growth, and development on the other side.

KSBJ Special Guest Intercessor

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Friends & Family: It would be my complete honor and joy to pray for you. No matter the request, BIG or small, God can handle it and I’d love to stand in agreement and in faith with you.

Call this Friday, January 19th 9am-11am into KSBJ Radio’s Prayer & Care Line (281-652-5555). As KSBJ always says, God listens and prayer is how you dial his number.

Let’s do this! Can’t wait to pray with you! 🔥💃🏾

Isis Smalls

The Closest Thing to God's Heart

(Reading Time: 1 minute)

Today I want to remind us of this simple truth: 

People are special to God.

In the midst of the hectic holiday season, we can run so fast and furiously that we forget all about them. But, when we slow down to acknowledge and love on people, it’s the closest thing to God’s heart.

Love sticks. People may struggle to remember what you’ve accomplished, but they’ll never forget those moments you stopped to genuinely care for them. When you think about creating a real legacy, loving people is where it starts.

Love boosts. What you say or do can bring a smile to their face and put a pep in their step decades later. With so many people in desperate need for encouragement and hope, your love could bring strength and joy to their heart.

Love lifts. The Bible refers to God as “the Lifter of our heads” (Psalm 3:3) When we stop to acknowledge and speak to people, we are following God's lead. It’s as if we’re taking our hand, lifting their chin up, and saying: “I see you. You are precious. You are worth this moment. Please know you are loved and cared for and you are not worth being ignored.”

So, how can you show love today? Here's the challenge! Over the course of the next three days, intentionally slow down and take a moment to love on the people you encounter. Feel free to reply to this email and share stories. I'd love to hear about your experience.

Let’s show God that we care about what He cares about. We care for His children. We care about people. 

With love,

Isis Smalls

What Black Friday Just Taught Me

by Isis Smalls
(1-minute Read)

If you know me well then you know that I am not a huge fan of shopping. But, this Thanksgiving weekend, I did something brave. I shopped on Black Friday. (GASP!)

Everywhere I went in the mall, I couldn’t help but to notice this trend that says: “one size fits all.” Let’s be real though: one size does not fit all. The tight leggings I'd tried to stuff my legs into would not fit the girl half my size, neither twice my size. So let's be clear here:

One size doesn’t fit all when it comes to clothes and one size certainly does not fit all when it comes to pretty much everything in life.

You are unique. So is your shape, your style, your needs, and your perspectives. And guess what? The way you approach life will be unique, too.

With the world constantly bombarding us with messages of “How to Do” this and “7 Ways to to Do” that, it’s more important than ever for us to keep this in mind:

“What worked for them, may not work for me.
What’s right for their life, may not be right for mine.”

It’s good to be open to new strategies and to seek the wisdom of others. However, let’s remember to go to God in prayer so that He can filter that advice.

He can tailor it and give you an approach that is truly one of a kind. There is no such thing "as one size fits all." The sooner you grasp this, the quicker you'll have the peace and courage necessary to bravely chart your unique path.

Proverbs 14:15 (ESV) “ The simple believes everything, but the prudent gives thought to his steps.”

*Special Announcement* My Interview on Vision TV with Pastor Maqsood

I had an absolute blast being interviewed by Pastor Maqsood on hist Late Night Talk Show on VisionTV. I shared about my journey from teacher to Miss Houston to now speaker and author. As you tune in, we hope that you’re encouraged to embark on your own God-journey, feel inspired in your faith, and that you’re encouraged by the powerful prayers at the end! Enjoy!